Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Finally... Iam Moving

Maybe you know what I mean. Yes, Finally, Iam moving after I love him since 2 years ago. Iam just being tired of everything. I was changed, he too. He found new girl, and she is better than me. really really better than me. I was realized that He doesn't belong with Me and Iam not belong with Him.
So, I had deleted all our texts, our picture, our memories.
I will found new boy, and I guess he is better than you. He will protect me, care of me.
So, just goodbye. I can't, I can't love you anymore. I can't wait you anymore. I can't. and I know that you can't love me--never love me, never wait me like I do. Maybe sometimes you just miss me because you lost someone that love you the most. And I won't care about you again.

Once again, Finally..... I AM MOVING!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Someday At Serenade ;)

Foto - foto ini diambil tanggal 15 Maret kemarin pas nungguin kabaret
 Yeah, Serenade \m/ sebenernya ada 30 siswa, tapi di foto ini cuma ada 28 siswa
without Mekka dan Monica 
Smile everybody! :D


Nindya sama Lintang

Nindya, Febi, Aniiin, Lintang, sama Erwin


Febi sama Iswa


Me and Erwin



Lintang and meeee

Sarah and Meeee




Me and Rizki

Nadya and Fazriyan

Lintang and Nindyaa

Faza and Rana

Yap, sebenernya ada foto-foto yang lain, cuma saya baru bisa nge-upload yang segini.
I will miss this day, Serenade :')